Category Short Stories


Darkness is heavy.  It covers everything like a quilt, snuffing out hope the same way those special fire blankets smother flames.  I feel that heaviness now more than I ever have in my life.  My eyes see nothing, the dark… Continue Reading →

Hunting Season Sneak Peek

This is the original prologue to Hunting Season. I’ve cut it from the final draft because of flow reasons, but just to give you a taste of what’s coming… The forest is a different world at night. The chatter of… Continue Reading →


The following paragraphs are a collection of nightmares, written for a fellow Dungeon Master who was running a group through Tomb of Annihilation, in which there is a group of creatures who intensify dreams. Three of them are in two… Continue Reading →

Be Good for Goodness Sake

December 3rd “Daaaaaaddy!”   The shrill yelling of my six year old tearing into the room made me want to stick my head into a pillow and scream. Instead, I rolled my eyes and sighed. “What is it, darling?” I asked. … Continue Reading →

Perks of Employment

The new girl picked up the hairnet in disgust. “Do I have to?” she asked, wrinkling her nose. I slid her name tag across the plasticky surface of the desk. “Yep. Any hair long enough to tie back.” She sighed… Continue Reading →

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